Talk in the North American Dostoevsky Society virtual speaker series: Dr Katherine Bowers, 14 Oct 2024
Join us for Dr Katherine Bowers’s talk “Writing Fear: Physiological Petersburg, Dostoevsky, and the Rise of Gothic Realism” – scheduled for 14 October 2024 at 11am Mountain time (10am Pacific/1pm Eastern) at Brigham Young University. You can register for this co-sponsored talk via this link.
Conversations with Dostoevsky on God, Russia, Literature, and Life
Book by George Pattison, published by Oxford University Press UK in March 2024 . A middle-aged academic is sitting up over a late night glass of whisky in his Glasgow apartment pondering the meaninglessness of existence, when he is joined by Dostoevsky and they begin a series of conversations that cover God, Russia, literature and …
Deborah Martinsen: Dostoevsky: A Very Short Introduction
We are delighted to announce the publication of Deborah Martinsen’s new book, “Dostoevsky: A Very Short Introduction,” edited by Carol Apollonio with contributions from Deborah’s friends and colleagues: Randall Butler, Ellen Chances, Paul Contino, Nicole Fermon, Andrew Kahn, Ron Meyer, Marcia Morris, Savannah Pearson, Amy Ronner, and Jennifer White. Deborah inspired us all with her …
Japanese translation of Stefano Aloe’s IDS 2023 inaugural speech now available
Naohito Saisu has translated Stefano Aloe’s IDS 2023 inaugural speech on his blog. A link to the YouTube video recording of the speech is also available on the site.
CFP: Student Blog Series ‘Reading Dostoevsky Today’
The North American Dostoevsky Society invites blog posts from undergraduate students for our official blog, Bloggers Karamazov. Posts for this limited student series should focus on the topic of “Reading Dostoevsky Today.”
New issue of The Dostoevsky Journal: A Comparative Literature Review (Vol 24, no. 1, Nov 2023)
Announcement from Slobodanka Vladiv-Glover, chief editor of The Dostoevsky Journal: A Comparative Literature Review: The final issue of the journal for 2023, Volume 24 (2023): Issue 1 (Nov 2023) (partially pre-published by Brill in April 2023), has now been completed and is available in full on Online ISSN: 2375-2122 Print ISSN: 1535-5314 Publisher: Brill.
CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS – SEET Special Issue “Dostoevsky in the World Today”
In view of the strong geopolitical divisions in contemporary cultural narratives, which affect perceptions of Russian literature and culture in particular, the Editors wish to bring together scholars who represent the field of Dostoevsky research across countries and continents, in order to map current approaches to Dostoevsky as a complex cultural phenomenon, bridging fiction, journalism, …
Congratulations to Stefano Aloe and Katherine Bowers!
In Nagoya, Japan, at the XVIII Symposium of the International Dostoevsky Society, Stefano Aloe and Katherine Bowers received the Society’s Award for Exemplary Service for their longstanding work for the Society. Congratulations!
Цифровые проекты Пушкинского Дома
Ссылки на Цифровой архив, Дипломатические транскрипции (тетради к “Бесам” и одну тетрадь к “Преступлению и наказанию”) и сериальное научное издание “Достоевский. Материалы и исследования”. В приложении картинки, которые можно использовать в роли индексов для гиперссылок. 1. Цифровой архив Достоевского (картинка для гиперссылки в приложении) 2. Дипломатическая транскрипция записных тетрадей Достоевского Записные тетради к роману “Бесы” …
CFP: New Norton Critical Edition of The Brothers Karamazov
Dear Colleagues, Susan McReynolds and I have been asked to edit a new edition of the Norton Critical Edition of Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov. So that we can best serve the field we are soliciting suggestions of published critical articles to include in the apparatus after the text of the novel. If you have a …
Freshly published! The English translation of Kogure Yusuke’s article Atheism and Suicide in Devils
The latest issue of the Japan Mission Journal includes an article by Kogure Yusuke, “Atheism and Suicide in Devils,” translated by IDS member Joe O’Leary. Click here to view the full issue.
Dostoevsky Society of Japan Symposium report, Feb 2023
“On February 21, a Symposium on Dostoevsky was held at the Nagoya University of Foreign Studies in Nagoya Japan, with a keynote lecture by former IDS President Vladimir Zakharov. Presentations were in Russian and Japanese, with thoroughly prepared power-point slides and the translations provided; all the participants (online included) were able to join in the …
Publication from 2022! Katalin Kroó, Andrey Faustov, Sergey Savinkov: Перевоплощения смысла в творчестве Достоевского : семиотические заметки
К. Кроо, А.А. Фаустов, С.В. Савинков Перевоплощения смысла в творчестве Достоевского : семиотические заметки Монография посвящена исследованию поэтики Достоевского в семиотической перспективе. В фокусе внимания авторов оказываются основополагающие для писателя категории двойничества, времени, природы, неопределенности, сходства, асимметрии, целого, части, середины. Исследование построено на материале полного корпуса сочинений Достоевского, но главным объектом истолкования выступают такие произведения, …
Presentation of the new website “Контексты Серебряного века: Под знаком Достоевского”
Исследовательский центр Вяч. Иванова в Риме и Веронский университет приглашают на презентацию (в зуме) 21 февраля в 16 часов по Римскому времени (18 часов по Московскому) он-лайн ресурса Контексты Серебряного века: Под знаком Достоевского (Институт мировой литературы РАН) Ведет презентацию главный редактор журнала Dostoevsky Studies, Стефано Алоэ (профессор, Веронский университет). Со стороны ИМЛИ РАН …
The Weird Russian 19th Century Symposium
You are warmly invited to a two-day symposium on “The Weird Russian 19th Century,” hosted by the Russian and East European Program at Rutgers University. Note the three panels on “Weird Dostoevsky”! Register for each day of the symposium at the links below. The Weird Russian 19th Century Friday, April 28, 2023 Registration link: …