CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS – SEET Special Issue “Dostoevsky in the World Today”

In view of the strong geopolitical divisions in contemporary cultural narratives, which affect perceptions of Russian literature and culture in particular, the Editors wish to bring together scholars who represent the field of Dostoevsky research across countries and continents, in order to map current approaches to Dostoevsky as a complex cultural phenomenon, bridging fiction, journalism, biography and history.

While Dostoevsky’s fiction and journalism lend themselves, like the works of Hegel and Nietzsche, to political and ideological misappropriations, they also attract bona fide academic criticism which the Editors hope to collect in this volume. The critical articles and reviews should examine Dostoevsky’s opus in the context of aesthetics, psychoanalysis, poststructuralism, and European philosophy, but also include archival research on, for example, new perspectives on Dostoevsky’s epistolary heritage and on Dostoevsky amongst his contemporaries.

It is envisaged that the contributions in this volume will be by authors from a wide selection of countries in Europe, Asia and the Americas. While featuring individual research, these contributions will be indicative of the trend of Dostoevsky scholarship in a particular country and provide a specific perspective on the one universal: Dostoevsky’s thought.

SEET considers only original papers meeting high criteria of research publications.

All submissions undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. Prospective authors are advised to consult the Instructions for Authors for more details about the review procedure as well as the submission rules and journal style, at this link:

The ‘Submit Manuscript’ button is available on the journal’s homepage at:
A direct link to the submission system is:

Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2024.

Papers submitted after this deadline might be considered for publication, but this cannot be guaranteed. The journal utilizes Online First publishing (for more about this service see

Slobodanka Vladiv-Glover – Guest Editor
Monash University (Australia)